Scientific Software
- Linear Regression
- e2v.f90 - Convert particle energy to velocity (Fortran-90)
- v2e.f90 - Convert particle velocity to energy (Fortran-90)
- e2t.f90 - Convert particle energy to temperature (Fortran-90)
- t2e.f90 - Convert particle temperature to energy (Fortran-90)
- v2t.f90 - Convert particle velocity to temperature (Fortran-90)
- t2v.f90 - Convert particle temperature to velocity (Fortran-90)
- cg.f90 - Calculate Clebsch-Gordan coefficients (Fortran-90)
Celestial Mechanics
- eqecl.f90 - Equatorial to/from ecliptic coordinates (Fortran-90)
- rotelem.f90 - Rotate orbital elements (Fortran-90)
- reduce.f90 - Reduction of an angle (Fortran-90)
- keplersoln.f90 - Kepler's equation solver (Fortran-90)
- barkersoln.f90 - Barker's equation solver (Fortran-90)
- Simple lunar ephemeris:
Mathematical Software
- anglevec.f90 - Find separation angle between two vectors (Fortran-90)
- auxtrig.f90 - Auxiliary trigonometric functions (Fortran-90 module)
- crossprd.f90 - Vector cross product (Fortran-90 subroutine)
- cuberoot.f90 - Cube root (Fortran-90 function)
- dec2frac.f95 - Convert a decimal number to a fraction (Fortran-95)
- deviates.f90 - Random deviates for a variety of distributions (Fortran-90)
- frac.f90 - Fractional part of a number (Fortran-90 function)
- fraction.f90 - Fraction data type (Fortran-90 module)
- invhyp.f90 - Inverse hyperbolic functions (Fortran-90 module)
- m22det.f90 - Determinant of a 2×2 matrix (Fortran-90)
- m22inv.f90 - Inverse of a 2×2 matrix (Fortran-90)
- m33det.f90 - Determinant of a 3×3 matrix (Fortran-90)
- m33inv.f90 - Inverse of a 3×3 matrix (Fortran-90)
- m44det.f90 - Determinant of a 4×4 matrix (Fortran-90)
- m44inv.f90 - Inverse of a 4×4 matrix (Fortran-90)
- m55det.f90 - Determinant of a 5×5 matrix (Fortran-90)
- m55inv.f90 - Inverse of a 5×5 matrix (Fortran-90)
- m66det.f90 - Determinant of a 6×6 matrix (Fortran-90)
- m66inv.f90 - Inverse of a 6×6 matrix (Fortran-90)
- rpn.f95 - A powerful
RPN calculator (Fortran-95)
- sround.f90 - Statistical rounding function (Fortran-90 function):
Calendar Calculations
- cal.f90 - Calendar program (similar to UNIX "cal") (Fortran-90)
- caljul.f90 - Calendar program for Julian calendar (similar to UNIX "cal") (Fortran-90)
- greg2jd.f90 - Gregorian date to Julian day (Fortran-90)
- jd2greg.f90 - Julian day to Gregorian date (Fortran-90)
- doy2greg.f90 - Day of year to Gregorian date (Fortran-90)
- greg2doy.f90 - Gregorian date to day of year (Fortran-90)
- greg2dow.f90 - Gregorian date to day of week (Fortran-90)
- leapyr.f90 - Leap year (Fortran-90)
- easter.for - Date of Easter (Fortran-77)
- Display the current date, time, day of year, and Julian day:
- fix2free.f90 - Convert Fortran fixed to free format (Fortran-90)
- chcase.f90 - Convert strings to uppercase or lowercase (Fortran-90)
- toupper.f90 - Convert a file to uppercase (Fortran-90)
- tolower.f90 - Convert a file to lowercase (Fortran-90)
- dispcr.c - Display end-of-line characters (C)
- replcr.c - Convert end-of-line characters (C)
- replcrb.c - Convert end-of-line characters (batch version) (C)
- datatest.c - Display C data type sizes (C)
- byteswap.f90 - Reverse byte order of a variable (Fortran-90 module)
- timer.f90 - Compute elapsed time (Fortran-90 module)
- Display whether computer is little- or big-endian:
- Convert IEEE floating-point numbers to/from hex integers:
- scalebar.f90 - Create data for a plot color scale bar (Fortran-90)
Contact Information
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